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Promising Practices & A New Way Forward

The Two Eyed Seeing Network is comprised of Indigenous communities, industry leaders, workforce & social development experts, and education/training providers.


Together, we bridge gaps, remove barriers and establish shock-proof pathways to future work for Indigenous Youth.

The Two Eyed Seeing Network seeks to balance
Indigenous & Western perspectives.

The Two Eyed Seeing Network launched in 2020 to strengthen links between industry, training providers, workforce development services and Indigenous populations. British Columbia has increased demand for skilled workers across multiple industries, which is intensified by trying to keep up with global technology advances. Indigenous youth provide a significant source of labour and would solve future skills shortages. However, they are primarily left out of conversations for future skills and training.


Two Eyed Seeing describes an approach that looks with both Western and Indigenous lenses blending new technologies, standards, and practices with ways of doing that honour the whole person and their interconnectedness with the land and others – with a focus on sectors with high future demand.


The Two Eyed Seeing Network was established to:

  • Create opportunities for Indigenous youth participation in high-demand jobs of tomorrow.

  • Create workforce development pathways that make sense to industry, Indigenous communities, and education providers alike. 

  • Increase understanding of what industry-specific successful pathway development looks like.

  • Develop measurements and milestones that are determined by, and make sense to, the Network. 

  • Create cross-cultural understanding between employers and Indigenous communities.

  • Increase relationships that allow future independent and collective collaboration between participants.

Our Guiding Values

  • Two-eyed seeing is based in partnership, openness, respect and understanding.

  • Diversity and inclusion are key enablers to growth and success; creating environments that value individuals and support belonging and connectivity helps establish a high-performing culture.

  • All elements of the ecosystem must be engaged to fully understand the dynamics, and opportunities and challenges.

  • Solutions must be practical and tangible; if we can point to it and describe it, others will understand it as well.

  • Solutions must allow for local innovation and adaptation and must meet the needs of both industry and Indigenous populations alike, to be valuable.

Meet The Network Advisory Partners

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